Last Friday (the 19th) our webserver died and took our site (and all the other sites hosted on it) with it.
Unfortunately I had a overriding work commitment in the UK for four days, but before I left the Island I’d been promised by our hosting provider that no data would be lost, and that they’d bought a new server in a new data center which would be brought online and everything restored by Monday afternoon latest.
Boy did that not happen!
I arrived back on Wednesday night to find our host’s backups were all corrupt, so nothing had been fixed, and was just a blank holding page 🙁 Not good at all.
Since then we’ve been struggling to get back online. Luckily we do our own backups, but the last one we had was the 11th so we’ve lost a week’s worth of updates, mail and mailing-list subscriber e-mails. I’ve got static pages and images from browser caches, and most (maybe all) subscriber e-mail addresses, so now I’ve got to try to reconstruct our database entries, templates, and mailing list from this information. Please bear with us, it’ll take a day or so.
It could be a lot worse and we are counting our blessings, but it’s still not good enough by a long way, so huge apologies to all our visitors and friends out there that have been unable to access this site or send us mail. If you’ve sent anything important within the past week please resend it and we’ll get in touch.
Thanks for your patience while we get this resolved!