Mr Eliminator and The Deadly Vipers – Danger of Death – Now available on CD from Ballagroove Shop

Mr. Eliminator and the Deadly Vipers’ phenomenal debut Mini LP ‘Danger of Death’ is out now!

CD is now available from The Ballagroove Shop, for a mere £5, plus £1 for P&P if you need it posting.

The recording contains the following tracks:
Mr. Eliminator and the Deadly Vipers cover artwork

  1. Danger of Death
  2. Viboras Mortales
  3. Nuclear Tsunami
  4. Bitter Is Better
  5. Bang Bang Bang
  6. Attack of the Wolfman
  7. Dead End Cruise

Buy the digital release here: iTunes | Amazon UK | Amazon US | Amazon Germany | Amazon Japan.

You can also follow them on TwitterFacebook and YouTube, ’cause they’re good like that.