Yes, I’ve finally got off my lazy arse and started doing more work on the website so, a few months later than promised (!), the full Black Label BGK01 compilation is available for download at last. Get it over at the Ballagroove Downloads Page (it’s right at the top) and, if you use iTunes, get the artwork too (create a playlist with all the songs then drag & drop the image onto the artwork pane).
Now that that’s out, I guess we better start on the second one π Plenty of other things are in the pipeline for the site, too, now that I’ve got my Powerbook properly rigged-up for web development, but I better not promise anything just yet otherwise I’ll get loads of stick as to why it’s Christmas already and all that stuff I said I’d do still isn’t sorted yet! We’ll send out another e-mail when there is some progress, anyway, so make sure you’re subscribed to the mailing list π