In an unprecedented act of PR cohesiveness (well, complete fluke more like) Ballagroove members Gypo, Smeg, Stef, Dave, Kin and Shod will be gathered together on both of the local Manx radio stations this Sunday to promote, discuss, and generally rant about what we’ve all been up to lately. Notable tasty topics will include our freshly distilled Black Label compilation (BGK01), to be released the day after (Monday 23rd), developments on the new Stinging With Bigness album and Journeyman EP (both coming very soon), as well as future musings and general quirky banter.
We’re going up to Manx Radio tonight to record an interview with
Mike Buttel for his Sound Kitchen programme, which’ll be broadcast on Sunday (the 22nd February) from 7pm – 8pm, closely followed by a live slot on Christy D‘s show “The Backroom Sessions” over at EnergyFM from
10pm – 12am, so we’ll try try our
bestestest not to let slip with any profanities or else there’ll be trouble 😉 (We’re all well-brought-up, clean and polite lads anyway so we’ll be good, I promise!)
You can listen to Manx Radio on 97.2FM (or through their Internet Streaming Service), then twiddle that dial over to EnergyFM on 98.6FM to catch us again, no doubt sounding a bit knackered after a hectic weekend burning up a hundred CDs! We’ll also put a track or two from the BGK01 compilation up in the Downloads section to keep those that can’t tune in happy too, so be sure to check out the site soon for a taster. More tracks’ll follow off the black CD in the coming weeks, so get yourself signed up on our Mailing List to be the first to know and to get first shout on new releases 🙂