Gratiz 3 – The Measure of Time : the Measure of Everything

Gratiz 3 – The Measure of Time: the Measure of Everything cover artwork

Click the above image for a larger 500px version (iTunes-friendly album artwork).

Gratiz 3‘s debut EP ‘The Measure of Time: the Measure of Everything’ is out on Thursday 8th June 2006. The recording contains the following tracks:

  1. Vapour Trails
  2. My Own Cage
  3. Fear of Being Lost (3.6MB)
  4. They
  5. Coma (Buggane Mix)

The CD is £5 GBP from the usual outlets (Black & Blue, Douglas; The Bay, Port Erin) or from any of the band’s gigs, especially on THURSDAY 8th JUNE at the CD Launch at the Cornerhouse. You can also order it from our online shop or from buy it on iTunes if you prefer downloads.

You can also buy the band’s T-shirt from talented folks at Section 5.