The Trash 5 – ‘The Lucid Dreams of Dr Seed’ EP

The Trash 5 - The Lucid Dreams Of Dr Seed - Front Cover
The debut release from ‘The Trash 5’ – ‘The Lucid Dreams of Dr Seed’ EP is out now on Ballagroove Records.
The Trash 5 play fast, energetic garage punk music ! – Think Mudhoney, Early Fall, The Prisoners etc.
They have great tunes !
And we love them, there is 8 tracks on the EP and it comes in at under 20 minutes, the songs were written in collaboration with their enigmatic songwriting partner ‘Dr Seed’ (I’m sure a few of you know who that is )
Well worth a fiver of anybodies money
You can get it from our shop or hopefully some shops soon (If we can find anybody who’ll stock it), it will also be available on iTunes / Napster and all those download sites very soon
Let us know if you like it (or if you don’t !)
Read more and here some tunes at their The Trash 5 website

The recording contains the following tracks:

  1. Get Trashed
  2. I’m Gone
  3. Henrietta’s Penknife
  4. Cardinal Jack
  5. I Gotta
  6. Maureen Bullock
  7. Normal Service
  8. We Chew Gum

Clieck here to Watch their lovely video

4 thoughts on “The Trash 5 – ‘The Lucid Dreams of Dr Seed’ EP

  1. you gotta get this even for just ‘cardinal jack’ alone,a truely thumping song you will love for the rest of your life! What fun this album is ,its getting great radio reviews and it sounds alive.If your cool and you dont know if this is cool ,the art work on the cd is so cool that that your mates will say thats cool, which means your cool too .This is a good record .

  2. Album is abhorrent, amateurish and sounds like teenage kids thrashing away at a biscuit tin whilst someone cries in the background…
    Save your money. Trash indeed.

  3. anyway , if you do like amateurish thrashy music with a biscuit tin and crying (great review dave,thanks)this is for you.

  4. The ‘biscuit tin bashers’ debut at no.10 in the Whole Lotta Shakin Radio show’s boss top 20 (6 April show) with I’m Gone on Ballgroove (sic) records! This is their typo but it could be the new garage sub label of Ballagroove! 😉

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