New Upcoming Ballagroove Release – Gratiz 3

We here at Ballagroove our delighted to announce that we are releasing an EP for top Manx band Gratiz 3.

Anybody who has seen one of the bands recent stunning live performances will agree that the band sound amazing; the good news is you will soon be able to listen to their new songs in the comfort of your own home!

The EP is called ‘The Measure of Time, The Measure of Everything‘ and has the following tracklisting:

  1. Vapour Trails
  2. My Own Cage
  3. Fear of Being Lost
  4. They
  5. Coma (Buggane Mix)

The band are playing lots of live shows over the next month (check our events page for details), so get out and see them, you won’t be disappointed.

The EP will be launched at a special night at the Cornerhouse on Thursday 8th June with the band playing live (Support TBC) plus Ballagroove DJ’s. There will be a stall on the night selling the EP along with other Ballagroove releases and shiny new Gratiz 3 T Shirts.

You can also listen to demos of the tracks on the Gratiz 3 MySpace page.

The band will be all over the radio and press through the next couple of weeks so there’ll be no escape 🙂

This is our 10th release and we are delighted to finally hit double figures with an EP we are truly proud to be involved with.

TT Week is built for going out and watching live music, so make sure Gratiz 3 are on your list and bring a fiver to buy a copy of the EP 🙂

Have fun y’all

One thought on “New Upcoming Ballagroove Release – Gratiz 3

  1. I heard a copy of the EP minus the mighty Coma Ballagroove mix last night. I am slathering at the bit to get a copy. It is loaded with monster tunes, energy and meaningful lyrics! They have taken a heavier direction, but they haven’t forgotten about the melodies. Looking forward to parting with my cash.
    All the best Ballagroove

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